Andrew Ronald Perry
1987 — 2021

Our son and angel, Andrew, peacefully passed away after a recent episode of pneumo­nia not related to COVID.


Even though Andrew was born with a rare brain malfor­mation, lissencephaly, and given little chance to survive beyond 5 years, he had a re­markable 34 years.


He lived at home with his parents and was fully included in his neighborhood schools.


He attended Gold River Discov­ery Center, Barrett Jr. High and Del Campo High School, where he received standing ovations at each promotion and graduation ceremony.


He was loved and supported by many in his neighborhood as well as his Circle of Friends who began to meet in kinder­garten and remained friends throughout the years.





An­drew enjoyed his daily walks on the trails in his Gold River neighborhood, and he loved swimming in his family pool.



Andrew is survived by his parents, Renee and Drew Per­ry, his Canine Companion, Frankie VII, and his many loving uncles, aunts, cousins, and special caregivers. He will be greeted in heaven by his loving grandparents, Orla and Paul Perrault and Bever­ly and Wearn Perry.


Andrew’s bright smile and loving spirit touched many lives, and he will be great­ly missed by all who loved him.