Isaac Brian “Izzy” Henney, age 7, of Slidell, Louisiana, went to be with the Lord on Saturday, July 22, 2023.
Izzy was born September 1, 2015, in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, and was going into the third grade at Honey Island Elementary School in Slidell.
Isaac led a life of extraordinary love and brilliance. Saw beauty in everything and everyone he met. He was fearless and confident. A true wild child.
Every person he met became his friend. Every animal a companion.
He brought chaos and adventure anywhere he went and left love and laughter in his wake. This is how he earned his nickname Isaac the destroyer.
Through his charm, wit, humor, compassion and love he became the most unique person in many people’s lives.
He will be missed deeply by all who knew him as equally as he loved them.