Network Nodes
Autism BrainNet facilitates the collection, processing, storage and distribution of donated brain tissue to advance autism research worldwide.
Autism BrainNet includes three collection sites, also called nodes, in the United States:

2825 50th Street
Sacramento, CA 95817
Tissue Coordinator: Alicja Omanska, M.S.

5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Suite NE05.110
Dallas, TX 75390-9127
Tissue Coordinators: Alicia Brown and Evan Gordon
International collection nodes:

Montreal, Quebec
Autism BrainNet and Douglas-Bell Canada Brain Bank:
Website: Douglas Bell Canada Brain Bank
For brain donations or questions about the donation process in Canada, please call: 514-761-6131 ext. 3496.
Non-collecting node:

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York, New York
Website: Hof Lab