Page 6 of 9 December 19, 2019 New study finds excess of T-lymphocytes in the brain of individuals with autism READ MORE December 18, 2019 Meta-analysis of brain and tumor tissue studies highlights overlap between autism and cancer READ MORE November 19, 2019 Why is studying the brain important for understanding autism? READ MORE October 26, 2019 Five discoveries about autism spectrum disorder that scientists have made by studying postmortem brain tissue READ MORE October 16, 2019 Director’s message: Meet our partners READ MORE August 30, 2019 Two studies highlight convergent epigenetic mechanisms in autism, dup15q and Rett syndrome READ MORE July 19, 2019 Understanding the brains of individuals with Dup15q READ MORE July 12, 2019 The amygdala, a brain structure involved in processing emotional information, shows microscopic changes in individuals with autism READ MORE July 11, 2019 Director’s message: Autism BrainNet is for the living READ MORE July 11, 2019 Panel on postmortem brain studies highlights new findings on the autism brain READ MORE Page 6 of 9